This article will discuss the importance of the Red Devil Cichlid or Devil Fish care. These unique fish have specific needs that must be met to thrive in an aquarium environment. We will cover tank size, water parameters, diet, and compatibility with other fish species. These considerations will help ensure that your Red Devil Cichlid or Devil Fish lives a healthy and happy life.

One look care Guide
Scientific name                  | Amphilophus labiatus |
Common name                  | Red devil cichlid red devilfish |
Care level | Difficult |
Native to | lake Managua Lake Nicaragua in Central America |
Type | Freshwater |
Color  | Wide color variations- grey to green to white, red, orange, and pink |
Temperament  | Aggressive |
Growth rate | Reach maximum size within around three years |
Preferred temperature | 75 to 79 Fahrenheit 23.9 to 26.1 Celsius |
Other water parameters | pH level- 6.5 to 7.5 |
Tank size | 55 gallons per fish 123 gallons per pair |
Recommended tank mates | Convict cichlids Firemouth cichlids Jack Dempsey |
Preferred food | Bloodworms Carotene Crickets Krill Chicken Nightcrawlers Shrimps Cichlid pellets Flakes Beef heart Shelled peas |
Feeding frequency | 2 to 3 times per day |
Breeding | Possible in captivity |
What is Red Devil Cichlid?
The Red Devil Cichlid, also known as Amphilophus labiatus, is a widespread species in the aquarium hobby. Native to Central America, this cichlid is recognizable by its bright red coloration and large size. In the wild, they can reach up to 12 inches in length and are highly aggressive toward other fish.
Despite their intimidating appearance, Red Devil Cichlids make excellent pets for any experienced aquarist. They are relatively easy to care for and tend to become friendly with their owners if handled carefully.
As long as they are provided with a large tank stocked with plenty of hiding spots and fed a varied diet of live foods, these fish will thrive in captivity. It’s essential to keep them away from other species, as they will attack anything that comes too close!
Is Red Devil Cichlid Aggressive?
It’s known for its striking red coloration and hardy nature, but is it aggressive? The truth is that this cichlid species can be peaceful and territorial depending on the environment.
In general, Red Devils are considered to be semi-aggressive. They’re known to defend their territories and may become aggressive when they feel threatened or challenged. To reduce aggression in the tank, ensure not to overcrowd the aquarium with too many fish, which will cause stress levels to rise and could lead to fighting.
Additionally, providing plenty of hiding places, such as plants or rocks, can help create a sense of security for your fish. This will help them feel safer in their environment and less likely to lash out at other inhabitants in the tank.
Red Devil Cichlid Behavior
These large fish are territorial and will readily establish their domain by chasing away other creatures in their tank. They are also known for diggings which can lead to uprooting plants in the tank.
Though they may be aggressive towards other inhabitants of their environment when bonded with another Red Devil Cichlid, they may become very peaceful towards them and even display nest-building behaviors in order to protect eggs from potential predators.
At mealtime, these cichlids can become quite aggressive. They may challenge other fish for food by chasing them away or even nipping at their fins as a territorial warning sign. The Red Devil cichlid exhibits dominant behavior when competing with other fish during meals; this behavior is most commonly seen when younger and more excitable.
How long do Red Devil Cichlids live?
The average lifespan of red devil cichlids is between 5 – 8 years when kept in a suitable environment in captivity and given the right kind of diet and care.
 Keeping these fish healthy and happy provides them with clean water, plenty of hiding spots, and a diet rich in proteins from sources such as frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp. It’s also essential to ensure that the pH levels are within the range they prefer (6.8 – 7.2).

Red Devil Cichlid Care
In general, taking care of Red devilfish can be challenging. But don’t freak out! If you are familiar with Red devil fish, it is easier than you might imagine. Take advantage of this background information to cope with Red Devils. You might gain experience gradually.
Tank Size
Red Devil Cichlids are territorial and aggressive, so they need plenty of space for swimming and hiding spots. As a result, tanks should have a minimum capacity of 55 gallons (208 liters) or more incredible.
A larger tank also prevents overcrowding as these cichlids can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) in length! It’s best to provide ample filtration and replace 20-25% of the water biweekly with fresh water from a reliable source.
How many Red Devil Cichlids Should be kept together?
If you are considering keeping this species in your home aquarium, one question that needs to be answered is: how many Red Devil Cichlids should be kept together?
To keep Red Devil Cichlids successfully, it’s essential to understand their natural habitat and social behavior. Generally speaking, the recommended number of Red Devil Cichlids per tank is two or three specimens; these fish are territorial and will become aggressive toward each other if overcrowded. When introducing new fish into an existing group, it’s best to add them slowly over time not to upset the balance in the tank.
Tank Setup
Regarding tank size and setup, the most important factor is having plenty of space for your Red Devil Cichlid; a minimum of 75 gallons is recommended. Inside this tank, larger rocks and driftwood should be used to create hiding spaces and caverns to reduce stress levels.
The tank should also have open swimming areas with plenty of large open spaces to give the fish enough room for activities.
Substrates and Decorations
Substrates are an essential component in any aquarium. The substrate for a Red Devil Cichlid should be fine-grained sand or small gravel, as larger particles can cause intestinal damage if ingested by this active digger.
Decorations such as rocks and driftwood can also be added to provide cover, hiding places, and natural filtration benefits that keep the water clean.
Live Plants
Live plants are one way to ensure his environment stays healthy and inviting. Live plants provide oxygen to the water, which will help keep your water quality balanced while providing natural hiding spots and places where they can rest or feed on algae.
Adding live plants to the tank can provide aesthetic value and help with water quality concerns by removing toxins like nitrates from the water column. Be sure to choose hardy aquatic plants such as Anubis or java fern that will tolerate their aggressive behavior and won’t break under pressure from their powerful tails.
Setting up a high-quality filter system is also important for red devil cichlids, as they require frequent partial water changes due to their messy eating habits.
Water Quality Condition
Water conditions are essential to caring for the Red Devil Cichlid in a home aquarium. It should be kept at temperatures between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 6.5-7.2 and low levels of nitrates and phosphates in the water.
Regular partial water changes should be done every two weeks to keep the environment stable for your cichlid and remove any waste buildup from its tank mates or food particles settling on the substrate flooring.
 Maintaining water quality is essential for the health of the fish; it’s recommended to perform 25-30 percent water changes every week with dechlorinated water to maintain healthy levels of nitrates and other toxins.

Red Devil Cichlid Breeding
Red Devil Cichlid Male or Female Identification
It can be challenging to determine the sex of these fish, as they display little external sexual dimorphism. To correctly identify your Red Devil Cichlid male or female, there are a few key characteristics you should look out for.
Male Red Devil Cichlids tend to have longer dorsal and anal fins than their female counterparts. The males also tend to have more pointed heads, thicker lips, and a slightly larger overall size. Females typically have shorter fins but more prominent eyespots on their caudal fins. Furthermore, when viewed from above, females may appear rounder in the belly compared to their slimmer male counterparts.
Identify Pregnant Red Devil Cichlid
When the female Red Devil Cichlid becomes pregnant, her body swells with eggs. Her coloration may also become more vivid as hormonal changes occur within her body.
Additionally, she may become increasingly territorial and aggressive towards other fish in the tank as she protects her young fry once they hatch out of their eggs.
Red Devil Cichlid Breeding
You must select two mature specimens – preferably one female and one male – as they’ll have a better chance of successfully breeding. Additionally, you’ll want to provide plenty of hiding places in the tank to give your fish a sense of security should one partner become aggressive with the other.
It is important to provide them with open water to deposit their eggs. The ideal temperature should range between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, while the pH balance should remain neutral or slightly acidic.
Red Devil Cichlids typically breed in water temperatures between 77 Fahrenheit and 25 Celsius. However, the temperature range should be monitored closely, as overly warm water may cause the eggs to become infertile.
The male will select a flat rock surface on which he will attempt to entice the female to lay her eggs. After she has laid her eggs, he will fertilize them before both parents take turns guarding them until they hatch about three days later.
How many Babies does Red Devil Cichlid have?
Typically, a female Red Devil Cichlid will lay 600 to 700 eggs at once to reproduce. The male cichlid tends to the eggs until they hatch about four days after being laid.
Red Devil Cichlid Fry Care
Often referred to as Amphilophus labiatus, these tropical cichlids can reach lengths of up to 10 inches as adults, making them one of the larger aquarium species available. Their fry is small and needs special care to survive and grow into healthy adults. To ensure successful breeding and proper development of the fry, keepers should provide them with a suitable diet, water conditions that are appropriate for their size, and regular tank cleanings.
When it comes to feeding your red devil cichlid fry, you’ll want to focus on providing them with high-protein foods such as newly hatched brine shrimp or blackworms.
Feeding Behavior of Red Devil Cichlid
Red Devil Cichlids are omnivorous and feed on insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and other small invertebrates. They have also occasionally consumed plant matter such as algae and fruits. In the wild, they will scavenge for food at the bottom of rivers and streams, but in captivity, this scavenging behavior can be mimicked with sinking foods like frozen brine shrimp or pelleted diets.
What do Red Devil Cichlids eat in the Wild?
Red Devil Cichlids feed on smaller crustaceans like krill, shrimp, and insect larvae in the wild. They may also consume plant matter, such as fruits and seeds, and small invertebrates, like worms, snails, and crayfish. Though these fish aren’t picky eaters, they tend to prefer meaty food sources due to their predatory nature.
What does Red Devil Cichlid eat in Aquarium?
To maintain this gorgeous hue, Red Devil Cichlids require nutrient-rich foods with the protein and minerals they need in their diet.
The best food for a Red Devil Cichlid contains a good balance of proteins and vegetable matter, such as algae wafers or frozen bloodworms. It is also essential to supplement their diet with fresh vegetables such as cucumbers or zucchini to provide additional nutrition.
They’ll happily consume various items, including bloodworms, crickets, earthworms, pellets, flakes, frozen food such as brine shrimp or krill, and some vegetables like zucchini or spinach.
- Earthworms
- Bloodworms
- Carotene
- Crickets
- Krill
- Nightcrawlers
- Shrimps
- Cichlid pellets
- Flakes
Additionally, it’s best to sometimes give your Red devil cichlids the items listed below.
- Beef heart
- Chicken
- Red meat
You can also balance your diet by including the vegetables listed below.
- Spirulina
- Lettuce
- Broccoli
- Shelled peas
How Often Should You Feed Red Devil Cichlids
Adult Red Devil Cichlids should be fed two to three times daily with various foods.
When should you feed Red Devil Cichlids (time of the day)
The best time to feed your red devil cichlids is in the morning and early afternoon hours. This allows for enough time for digestion and reduces any uneaten food, which can lead to water quality issues due to bacterial contamination.
You must stick with this schedule as much as possible since deviating from it can cause stress and an improper diet.
How long Red Devil Cichlids can go without food
Red Devil Cichlids can go for about two weeks without being fed. While this may seem like a long time, providing them every one or two days is essential to keep them healthy and prevent diseases from developing.
What Fish can live with Red Devil Cichlid?
When considering potential tankmates for your Red Devil Cichlid, choose fish that have similar needs in terms of water parameters, social behavior, and diet. Look for species that won’t compete with the Red Devil for food or territory.
 Giant catfish, such as plecos, tiny barbs like tiger barbs, and loaches, are all excellent candidates to live alongside a Red Devil Cichlid. Avoid aggressive species such as Oscars or large South American cichlids, as these may end up harassing your Red Devil.
In conclusion, the Red Devil Cichlid or the Devil Fish can be an outstanding addition to any fish tank if adequately cared for. Understanding their social and environmental needs is essential before purchasing them, as they are unsuitable for all environments.
They require a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places and a high-quality protein-rich diet. Keeping the water clean and maintaining the correct temperature and pH levels is also essential for the health of these fish.
Related Questions
What is the easiest cichlid to take care of?
The easiest cichlid to take care of is the Angelfish. They are relatively low-maintenance, don’t require a large tank, and are peaceful with other fish. They also thrive in various water conditions, making them an ideal choice for beginner aquarists.
What size tank do you need for a Red Devil cichlid?
A Red Devil cichlid needs a tank of at least 55 gallons. Providing plenty of swimming space and hiding spots in the tank is essential, so a larger size is recommended. Make sure to use an appropriate filter and regularly clean the tank to maintain water quality.
What is the friendliest cichlid?
The friendliest cichlid is probably the Convicts Cichlid. They are known for their peaceful nature and can be kept in tanks with other fish without any issues. They are also relatively easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for beginner aquarists.
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