Salvinia turning white is a common occurrence in aquariums and ponds. Unfortunately, it’s also an alarming sight for any fishkeeper.
If you’ve noticed your Salvinia turning white, you may wonder what could be causing the problem and how to fix it.
In this article, we’ll provide an overview of why your Salvinia is turning white and outline some helpful steps to take so that you can restore the appearance of your beloved pond plants.

Reasons for Salvinia Turning White
Salvinia leaves may turn white for a variety of reasons.
Covering the Tank with a lid
Reasons for Salvinia turning white, covering the Tank with a lid, can be twofold. Firstly, Salvinia requires high light levels to photosynthesize and produce energy.
The plant can deteriorate and turn white with too little or excessive light.
In addition to not receiving enough light, an open-top aquarium can also be a culprit in causing the Salvinia to turn white, as it allows for the evaporation of vital moisture that the plant needs for its growth requirements.
Covering the Tank with a lid can help prevent this by keeping out excess amounts of light while still allowing some natural lighting through and trapping in essential moisture, so it does not evaporate away.
High Humidity Levels
The main reason for the whitening of Salvinia leaves is an accumulation of salt deposits on the surface of the leaves. This occurs when high humidity levels make it difficult for the water molecules to escape through the leaf pores.
As these water molecules evaporate from the leaf’s surface, they leave behind salts that accumulate over time and eventually cause discoloration.
Exposure to red Light
The primary reason for Salvini’s discoloration is a decrease in photosynthesis caused by Exposure to red wavelengths. When chloroplasts absorb these wavelengths within the plant cells, they cause specific chemical reactions that break down chlorophyll.
This process results in a decrease in photosynthetic activity and, therefore, fewer nutrients being available for energy production within the plant cells. As a result of this decrease in energy production, Salvinia turns white as it can no longer produce sufficient amounts of pigment.
Higher Aquarium Temperature
One such factor is higher aquarium temperatures. An increase in temperature can cause significant changes in the Salvinia plant and make its leaves turn white.
The color change may be caused by excessive light, from high temperatures or a lack of nutrients from colder waters.
Higher temperatures reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen available for photosynthesis, and this causes an imbalance between respiration and photosynthesis rates, leading to leaf discoloration.
The ideal temperature for Salvinia is between 72-79 degrees Fahrenheit. If the aquarium gets too hot or too cold, you may notice that the green color starts to fade and the leaves start turning white.
Mold Growth
Unfortunately, Salvinia can sometimes turn white due to various environmental factors and mold growth. This can be disheartening for pond and aquarium owners who want to maintain a beautiful environment.
This problem is commonly seen in conditions where the water is stagnant or has high organic matter levels.
Lack of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is a pigment found in almost all plants that helps absorb sunlight and convert it into energy for photosynthesis.
Without this pigment, Salvinia will not be able to produce enough energy to survive and will start to turn white as its leaves die off.
Other signs of this problem include yellowing leaves or stunted growth due to a lack of nutrients.

How to Prevent Salvinia from Turning White
As you can see, various variables might contribute to Salvinia’s white coloring. It would be best to give it the proper attention and environmental conditions to stop your plant from going white.
Fortunately, each cause of Salvinia turning white has a remedy. Let’s go into greater detail about each one.
Monitor the Humidity Levels
The first and most crucial step in preventing Salvinia from turning white is to monitor the humidity levels. Humidity should be kept between 50 and 80 percent at all times. This helps ensure the plant retains its lush green coloration and grows appropriately without succumbing to environmental stressors.
Avoid Exposure to red Light
It’s important to note that most aquariums come equipped with unique lamps that provide the perfect amount of blue-green spectrum lighting for aquatic plants like Salvinia.
When purchasing new lights for your aquarium or pond setup, ensure they don’t emit red light, as this could be damaging.
Maintain Proper Temperature
One of the essential steps in maintaining proper temperature levels is to prevent Salvinia from turning white.
The ideal temperature range for Salvinia is 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-27 Celsius).
This should be kept as consistent as possible – sudden temperature changes can cause Salvinia to become stressed and start turning white.
Additionally, water temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 Celsius) will almost certainly cause discoloration of the plant over time.
Add Nutrients to the Water
Another important step in preventing Salvinia from turning white is ensuring enough nutrients in its water. Adding fertilizer specifically for aquatic plants to your Tank regularly will help encourage lush growth and vibrant green coloration of the leaves.
Additionally, regularly testing the nitrate levels in your Tank will help you ensure that they stay within a healthy range for your Salvinia.
Use a CO2 Source
Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis in aquatic plants like Salvinia; without it, they will not be able to get the necessary nutrients needed for healthy growth.
However, too much carbon dioxide can cause the leaves of Salvinia to turn white as the excess CO2 interferes with light absorption during photosynthesis.
To avoid this problem, ensure you use an appropriate amount of CO2 when adding it to your aquarium or pond containing Salvinia plants.
Change the Water Regularly
To prevent the plant from turning white, you’ll need to change out the water regularly and provide consistent care. Changing the water of your aquarium or pond can often be overlooked, but it’s essential for maintaining a healthy environment for Salvinia.
When changing the water, do a full exchange every week or two, depending on your tank size. This will keep nitrogen levels low and allow for adequate oxygen in the water, both of which help keep Salvinia looking its best.
How to Care for Salvinia Minima?
Salvinia minima, commonly known as water spangles, is a unique aquatic plant that can add an interesting new element to your pond or aquarium.
This floating fern has delicate leaves and creates a unique surface on the water.
With proper care, this plant can provide a beautiful backdrop to any body of water.
Taking care of Salvinia minima is relatively easy and requires only four steps: cleaning, fertilizing, pruning, and floating. Cleaning should be done weekly by removing dead or dying material from the water’s surface with a net or skimmer.
Fertilization is not necessary for this species but adding it will help promote healthy growth and prevent nutrient deficiencies from occurring in the surrounding environment.
Benefits of Salvinia Minima
This fast-growing species is native to many humid regions, including Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, and South America. Salvinia minima offer numerous benefits to its environment and have become a popular choice for water gardeners.
Salvinia minima help keep a pond’s surface clean by absorbing nutrients from the water that could otherwise lead to algae growth.
It is an excellent filtration system for new and established ponds by removing pollutants from the water column through its root structures.
Additionally, it covers smaller fish species from predators while providing them with food as they feed on their leaves.

Related Question
Is Salvinia suitable for an aquarium?
Salvinia is an excellent choice for aquariums, as it helps to keep the water clean and clear. It also provides cover and hiding places for fish and other aquatic creatures.
Salvinia is easy to care for and can grow quickly in most aquariums. However, it should be monitored closely, as it can easily overgrow if not kept in check.
What is the use of Salvinia?
Salvinia is an aquatic fern used in ponds, aquariums, and other water features to help reduce algae growth. It is a fast-growing plant that absorbs excess nutrients from the water, which helps keep the water clean and clear. Additionally, it provides cover for fish and other aquatic life.
Is Salvinia suitable for ponds?
Yes, Salvinia is an excellent choice for ponds. It helps reduce algae growth, provides shade for fish, and oxygenates the water. Additionally, it’s an attractive plant that adds visual interest to the pond. However, it can spread quickly, so it’s important to keep an eye on its growth and trim it back when needed.
What kills Giant Salvinia?
Giant Salvinia is an invasive aquatic weed that various methods can kill. The most common methods include mechanical removal, biological control with the introduction of weevils and grass carp, and chemical treatments such as herbicides.
In some cases, ultraviolet Light or hot water can also kill Giant Salvinia.