Have you ever wanted to care for a distant cousin of dragons? If so, then caring for a Bichir could be your perfect pet. Bichirs are ancient fish that have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. They are unique in their own right, with incredible characteristics and exciting history. Whether you are just starting in fishkeeping are an experienced aquarist, this article will provide information on how to keep a Bichir as a pet properly. Here you will learn about bichir care in this article.
What is Bichir
Bichir, a unique freshwater fish species, stands out from the crowd. Unlike other standard fish that live in freshwater, Bichir is its separate classification entirely. These fascinating creatures are native to Africa and have many different names depending on the area they are found in.
In addition to having an interesting name, Bichir also has a few physical characteristics that make them stand out from other freshwater fish. Their bodies can reach up to 24 inches long, and their dorsal fins look like small spines along the back of their bodies. They also have two pairs of pectoral fins near the head and large scales covering their skin. This makes them easily distinguishable from other common species of aquarium fish.
The Bichir fish is a prehistoric creature that has been around for millions of years. Its long, slim body and its scales give off a very ancient feeling to anyone who enjoys their aquarium. But don’t let that fool you into believing that these fish only bring an old-fashioned atmosphere to your tank. The Bichir also adds plenty of color to the aquarium with its unique patterns and colors.
These creatures come in a wide range of different varieties, each one boasting its unique pattern and color combination. Some have bright yellow spots, while others have black stripes or beige bars, making them stand out among other marine life in the tank. In addition to being visually stunning, these fish are great additions for beginner aquarists because they are relatively low maintenance and easy to care for.
The Bichir is a unique fish found in freshwaters and rivers worldwide. Notable for its spiny dorsal fins situated at its backs, this fish is considered one of the oldest freshwater fishes. It has survived for over two hundred million years! This species adds value with its interesting features due to the fin structures running right into their tail.
These fins are lined up along a bichir’s back and pointed upward towards their head. While they look intimidating, these fins protect them from predators and help them swim better through water currents. The dorsal fins also give each species a distinct appearance and coloration patterns helpful in distinguishing them from other fish varieties.
Dinosaur Bichir
The Dinosaur Bichir is a unique and exciting type of fish found in the waters of Africa. This fish species has an interesting and distinct physical appearance with its light grey color, which sets it apart from other varieties. It has an elongated body shape, making it appear more like a dinosaur than any other type of bichir. The average size for this species is smaller than other types, usually reaching only around six inches in length.
The coloring of the Dinosaur Bichir can vary depending on their environment; some specimens may have shades of pink or blue mixed in with their light grey base color. These exotic fish are visually appealing and an interesting challenge to aquarium enthusiasts as they require specific requirements such as higher water temperatures and ample hiding places throughout their tank.

Albino Bichir
Albino Bichir is one of the most interesting and unique fish you can add to your aquarium. These freshwater, ray-finned fish have a white body with two red eyes making them stand out in any tank. Albino Bichir is quite active and curious, making them great additions to any tank, especially those that contain other similarly active species. Not only will they enhance the beauty of your aquarium but they’ll also create a bit of excitement as they explore their new home looking for food.
These fish are best kept in groups as they are social creatures that like to school together during the day and spread out at night when it’s time to hunt for food.

Saddled Bichir
The Saddled Bichir is a unique fish species that grows up to about two and a half feet in length. Its vibrant yellow body is complemented by dark grey stripes, giving it an eye-catching color scheme. The black stripes provide contrast and enhance the beauty of this magnificent creature, making it stand out from other freshwater fish.
The Saddled Bichir possesses some impressive adaptations for its environment. Its long flexible body allows it to slip through tiny crevices, providing protection from predators in aquatic environments with limited hiding spots. In addition, this species uses its fins to move around in the water and on land if necessary! This makes them great escape artists when potential predators threaten them.
Overall, the Saddled Bichir has quite an interesting look and lifestyle due to its vivid coloration and impressive adaptations!

Ornate Bichir
The ornate bichir is a unique aquatic creature with an attractive look, making them an ideal addition to any home aquarium. These fish can grow up to 18 inches in length and have a neat yellow base color body with thin dark brown stripes. They are native to the rivers and lakes of Africa, including the Congo River basin and Lake Tanganyika.
The ornate bichir is considered one of the most enduring and hardy fish species, able to survive in waters with low oxygen levels or even out of water for short periods. They also have unique pectoral fins that they use like legs; they can ” walk” on land from one body of water to another. This species requires a large tank with plenty of hiding places to feel safe such as cave-like structures or bogwood.

Delhezi Bichir
The Delhezi Bichir (Polypterus delhezi) is a fascinating freshwater fish native to Africa. Its unique body has yellow flakes, green spots, and short black stripes. This fish loves to inhabit estuaries and floodplains, where the waters are often murky and muddy.
In the wild, Delhezi Bichirs can grow up to 28 inches long due to the lack of predators in their natural environment. They prefer plenty of hiding places among rocks and debris at the bottom of their habitats. As an air-breathing species, these fish have lungs and gills, allowing them to survive in low-oxygen conditions.
Delhezi Bichirs have a carnivorous diet that consists primarily of smaller fish, insects, and crustaceans found in their habitats.

How Does Big Bichir Get?
Big Bichir is native to tropical Africa and can reach sizes from 1 to 2.5 feet in length when fully grown. They have an eel-like body shape, and their coloration can range from light tan to brown, with dark spots on their head and body.
Big Bichir may look similar to other common aquarium fish, such as Oscar Fish, but they differ significantly in terms of behavior, diet, and habitat needs. These fish are more active than most other aquarium inhabitants and require larger tanks with plenty of hiding places due to their large size.
Is Bichir Aggressive?
The Bichir is a moderately aggressive fish species, first appearing on the planet over 300 million years ago. Belonging to the Polypteridae family, these predatory fish have strong jaws and sharp teeth for hunting and scavenging. Bichir is usually solitary but often school with other species members when space permits.
Bichirs may become aggressive towards others if they feel threatened or overly crowded; they may also nip at other fishes’ fins to establish dominance and territory. While this behavior is not particularly dangerous, it can lead to severe injury or even death in smaller fishes, so caution should be taken when keeping them together with other species.
Bichir Behavior
Bichir behavior is something to be aware of when deciding whether or not this active fish would make an excellent addition to your tank. Bichirs are carnivores and predators, meaning they will hunt for food and attempt to eat smaller fish. Although bichirs are not aggressive towards other fish in the tank, their carnivore instincts can pose a problem if other species are present.
To maintain harmony among your aquatic friends, you must understand how bichirs behave before introducing them into the ecosystem. They tend to take refuge in dark areas of the tank during daylight hours and become more active at night when searching for food. Bichirs also have an omnivorous diet which means they should be fed live meals like worms, small crustaceans, and insects, as well as flakes or pellets.
How Long Does Bichir Live?
Ancient fish species, such as the Bichir, have been known to live up to 15-20 years in their natural habitats. The Bichir is a unique fish with an armor-like bony plate covering its body which helps them survive in its wild habitats. The lifespan of the Bichir can be extended if it is kept in captivity with proper care.
They require a large aquarium tank and plenty of hiding places to feel secure. A healthy diet of high-quality foods such as live worms, shrimp, or specially formulated pellets must be provided regularly to keep the fish healthy and happy.
One Look Care Guide
Scientific name | Polypterus bichri |
Common name | Bichir |
Native to | tropical Africa and the Nile river system |
Color | Species dependent |
Care Level | Intermediate |
Temperament | Moderately aggressive |
Type | Freshwater fish |
Recommended tank mates | Flowerhorn cichlids Oscar fish African Knife Clown loaches Silver dollar fish Jack Dempsey fish Large barbs Large and medium catfish Blood parrots Other large and peaceful African cichlids |
Preferred food | Bloodworms Shrimps Oxheart Weather loaches Nightcrawlers Small fish Pellets Flakes |
Other water parameters | pH level- 6.2 to 7.8 water hardness – KH 5 to 20 |
Feeding frequency | 1 to 2 times per day |
Tank size | 90 gallons per fish |
Preferred temperature | 74 to 82 Fahrenheit |
Breeding | Very difficult to breed in captivity |
Growth rate | No exact growth rate |
Bichir Care
Bichir care, if you’re considering adding Bichir to your tank, then you need to know a few things about these fascinating creatures. Some essential factors need to be considered to ensure the health of your Bichirs and the other inhabitants of your aquarium.
Bichir Tank Size
A bichir tank size is important to consider when setting up your aquarium. Bichirs, also known as Polypterus, are armored fish that require a large amount of space to thrive. If you plan on using a bichir in your tank, it’s important to ensure that your aquarium is big enough for the fish to have enough room to swim and explore. According to experts, the ideal size for housing these fish is at least 90 gallons of tank per individual fish.
When choosing how many gallons of water your bichir needs, there are several factors, you’ll need to consider, including the size and number of other fish sharing the tank with them. It’s best to look into species-specific guidelines to provide plenty of room for each inhabitant in the aquarium.
A 40-gallon tank may seem like plenty of space for a Bichir, but they are active swimmers that require plenty of room to roam and explore. Not having enough space can cause stress on the fish, which can lead to other health problems such as poor appetite, lethargy, and disease. Additionally, keeping them in too small of an environment can make it challenging to find food or hide from predators effectively.
How Many Bichir Should Be Kept Together?
When it comes to owning multiple Bichirs, the question of how many you should keep together can be tricky. In a tank of this size, bichirs will have enough space to swim freely as well as hide among décor and plants. This gives them a sense of security while also keeping them entertained with plenty of room to explore. Additionally, having a large tank helps keep the water quality stable by allowing more filtration options while using fewer water changes than smaller tanks require.
Water Quality Condition
Bichir Can Survive in a Wide Range of Water Parameters. In addition to their tolerance for different water parameters, bichirs are pretty complex creatures. They possess strong fins enabling them to maneuver through fast-flowing waters easily.
Water temperature
Keeping the water temperature at a safe range of 74 to 82 Fahrenheit is important. The optimal temperature for fish and aquatic life is essential for their welfare and the health of humans who consume them. Properly regulating water temperature can help maintain an ideal environment for marine creatures and ensure they remain healthy and disease-free.
pH level
When keeping pet bichirs, one of the most important things to consider is the pH level of their environment. The ideal pH for bichir aquariums should be between 6.2 and 7.8, as this range provides a comfortable environment for these fish. A neutral pH of 7 is usually considered best, although some species may prefer slightly acidic or alkaline environments depending on where they are found in the wild.
Water hardness
One important factor to consider when caring for bichirs is water hardness; they prefer soft water. To maintain ideal water conditions, it’s important that you use a good-quality dechlorinator when setting up your tank or performing water changes.
The ideal total alkalinity (KH) level for bichirs should be between 5 and 20 ppm (parts per million). Water with a KH above 20 can lead to stress in your bichir, which could cause them to become prone to diseases and parasites. On the other hand, water with too low of a KH can make it difficult for your bichir to properly regulate its pH levels which could also lead to health issues.
Bichir Breeding
Despite their tough nature, bichir breeding is still challenging due to their highly sensitive reproductive system.
Male Or Female Identification
Male and female fish can be challenging to tell apart. However, a few physical distinctions can help identify the gender of these aquatic creatures. Male fish have an anal fin that is thicker and wider than their female counterparts. This difference in size between the two genders is quite pronounced, making it easy to understand which gender you are looking at. Male fish have longer dorsal fins than female fish, another identifier that makes gender identification easier.
When discussing the difference between male and female bichir adults, one key distinction is the size and rate of growth for each. Generally, female bichir adults grow faster and larger than their male counterparts. This phenomenon is not exclusive to this species; it has also been observed in other fish species.
This difference in growth between sexes is due to various factors, including environmental cues, hormonal influence, and genetic makeup. In females specifically, there tends to be more production of hormones such as estrogen, which helps regulate growth-related body functions. Additionally, nutrient availability can aid in rapid development when found in optimal conditions.
As a result of these considerations, bichir owners need to consider sex when purchasing them as adults so they can provide an environment conducive to their growth needs accordingly.
The male’s pursuit of the female includes aggressive movements such as circling and chasing her through the water. In addition, they may also try to bite or nudge her while she is swimming away from them. This behavior serves two purposes:
- Firstly, it allows him to indicate his interest in mating with her.
- Secondly, he can assess her receptiveness to his advances by watching her body language and responses when being chased.
Bichir Breeding
Bichirs, also known as dragonfish, are a species of freshwater ray-finned fish that have proven to be challenging to breed in captivity. They can be found natively in equatorial Africa and come in various shapes and sizes. However, despite the wide range of Bichir varieties available, there is a lack of information on how to breed them successfully.
Despite being kept as pets for many years, there are few reports of successful breeding programs, and only limited data exists on the subject. This has been attributed to the difficulty in creating an ideal environment for them to reproduce. The water temperature must remain stable, and their diet must consist of live worms or small crustaceans, which is not easily attainable outside their wild habitat.
How To Improve The Chance Of Successful Breed
Adding extra plants or spawning mops to an aquarium is a great way to create a comfortable environment for breeding fish. Not only will it create natural hiding places and provide shelter, but the thick greenery will also give the female fish a safe spot to lay her eggs. This added security can help reduce stress in the tank and make it more conducive for breeding.
One key factor in keeping these remarkable fish happy and healthy is ensuring the right water temperature. Recent studies suggest that slightly raising the temperature of your aquarium can induce breeding behavior from bichir. This means you can use their instincts to produce offspring without additional effort.
Despite being active primarily at night, the Bichir fish still manage to breed during their spawning season. During this period, they will search for shallow waters with little or no current to lay their eggs. After laying the eggs, the male will take on parental care by protecting them until they hatch. They have also used their fins to create small pits to deposit eggs and guard them against predators.
They can also be fed processed aquarium flakes or pellets; Bichirs greatly benefit from having access to live foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp that mimic their natural prey items in the wild. Live food provides them with essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health and growth.
How Many Babies Do They Have?
The number of eggs laid during each spawning event varies depending on the health level and age of the female bichir. Generally, healthy female bichirs between two and six years old will lay between 100 and 300 eggs at once. This can be an impressive amount for aquarists looking for a reliable source of egg production for their tanks. To ensure optimal fertility rates, it is important to provide adequate nutrition and tank maintenance for these fish before they spawn.
Fry Care
Babies need a healthy, balanced diet to grow up strong and healthy. Brine shrimps and micro worms are the most common foods that can provide essential proteins. These two items contain high levels of proteins, which help support the development of a baby’s muscles, bones, organs, and other essential body tissues.
What Do They Eat In The Wild?
As predators, bichirs feed on small vertebrates such as larvae, crustaceans, insects, and other small fish. They hunt for their food in shallow waters near the shore, where they can easily spot their prey. Bichirs have adapted to many habitats, from slow-moving streams to fast-flowing rivers—making them highly versatile hunters.
Sometimes, bichirs may even use carrion or scavenge dead animals to supplement their diet. This makes them opportunistic eaters, consuming anything they can fit in their mouths!
In conclusion, Bichir care is a relatively easy task for any fish enthusiast. Though they may look like dragons or at least their distant cousins, these fish are pretty docile and make excellent additions to freshwater tanks. Bichirs must be in at least 40 gallons of aquariums with temperatures between 72-79°F. They require plenty of hiding places, gentle filtration, and small live or frozen feeder foods for sustenance.