Corydoras, also known as cory cats, are popular aquarium fish known for their amicable nature. But one of the most common questions people ask when starting their tanks is, ‘Do Corydoras eat baby platys?’ If you’re wondering about this yourself, the answer is no – they definitely won’t.
This article examines if Corydoras will eat baby platys in an aquarium and why this type of fish won’t become a predator to its tank mates.

About Corydoras
Corydoras are a family of small tropical freshwater fish native to South America. These attractive, active fish are well-suited to life in the home aquarium, where they can bring color and movement to any environment. Not only do Corydoras provide a visually interesting focal point for your aquarium, but they also offer a host of other benefits too.
Corydoras have an easy-going temperament and will get along with most fish species, making them ideal tankmates for more extensive community tanks. They’re also bottom feeders that help break down uneaten food, detritus, and debris from the substrate, keeping water quality high as part of their natural clean-up crew duties!
How big do Corys get?
These fish are unique for their small size and vibrant colors that can brighten up any tank. But how big do corys get?
The average size of Corydoras species ranges from 2 to 4 inches in length, with some growing up to 6 inches long. Some varieties, such as the peppered cory or pygmy cory, are much smaller than these average sizes—reaching only 1 inch in length when fully grown.
The lifespan of Corydoras species ranges from 3-5 years when kept in optimal conditions such as clean water and plenty of hiding spots.
What do Corydoras eat?
These unique fish have a special diet that can be difficult for aquarists to understand. Fortunately, with some knowledge and dedication, it is possible to provide your corydoras with a balanced and nutritious meal plan.
Corydoras are omnivorous scavengers who primarily feed on small invertebrates and plant matter found in their natural habitat. They will eat almost anything they come across, including worms, crustaceans, insect larvae, algae wafers, spirulina flakes, and more. A high-quality flake food supplemented by frozen or live food options should provide them with adequate nutrition.
Do Corydoras eat Fish?
Yes, they will feed on small fish if given the opportunity.
Corydoras have specific dietary requirements and prefer live food such as brine shrimp, insect larvae, bloodworms, and tubifex worms. However, they may need to eat smaller fish species that inhabit the same tank in extreme hunger or malnutrition. If left unchecked, this can lead to overcrowding and introduce disease into the aquarium environment.
Proper tank maintenance must be carried out so that corydoras can always access adequate food sources.
Do Corydoras eat Baby Platys?
Corydoras, or armored catfish, are relatively low-maintenance fish that significantly add to too many freshwater aquariums. However, these omnivorous fish can be known for their eating habits when other fish are involved. So do corydoras eat baby platys?
The answer is no – corydoras will not typically consume baby platys due to the differences in size and texture between the two species. Baby platys are smaller than adult platys and have a different texture of scales due to their immature age.
Corydoras prefer hard-shelled foods such as snails and shrimp over softer-bodied prey like baby platys. Additionally, corydoras may become aggressive towards smaller tankmates if they perceive them as food items.
Unfortunately, keeping these species together in one tank is not recommended when breeding or raising baby platys as the corydoras may feed on them.
Will corydoras eat eggs?
The answer to this question depends on the type of egg and how it was laid. Corydoras generally won’t eat eggs laid at the top of the water, as these tend to be too large for them to consume.
However, if eggs have been laid at the bottom of the aquarium, then corydoras may try to consume them. Since this behavior is quite rare, some aquarists prefer not to take any chances and remove any eggs from the top and bottom of their tanks.

What to Feed Your Tiny Platys
When it comes to your tiny platys, you want to ensure they get the best nutrition possible. Knowing what to feed your little fish can be a challenge, but a few tips can help you find the right food for them.
The first step is to understand the needs of your small platys. Platys require small bits of food since their mouths are too small for large pieces. It’s also essential to provide them with a diet that contains plenty of vitamins and minerals since feeding them unhealthy foods can result in health problems down the line.
Look for high-quality flakes or pellets that contain ingredients such as protein, algae, shrimp, and krill. Live or frozen foods like bloodworms and daphnia should also be part of their regular diet.
Why should you keep Corydoras with baby platys?
Corydoras are a popular species of tropical fish due to their relatively hardy nature and peaceful temperament. But did you know that they can also make great tank mates for baby platys?
By understanding both species’ natural behavior and needs, aquarists can create a thriving community tank with Corydoras and baby platys.
Keeping Corydoras with baby platys is beneficial for many reasons. Firstly, Corydoras are bottom dwellers, while the platys prefer to swim in mid-levels, so they rarely interact or compete for food resources.
Secondly, these two species have different dietary requirements, so feeding them both is easy since neither will consume the other’s food. Finally, Corydoras are excellent scavengers that help maintain water quality by consuming any uneaten food and debris in the tank.
Do corydoras eat baby corys?
Recent studies indicate that corys, as they are commonly referred to, will generally not consume baby corys in their tanks. However, if presented with an opportunity, such as encountering a free-swimming juvenile outside of their tank, they’ll likely take advantage and try to feed on it.
This could be especially true for larger species of corydoras or when there is competition amongst the adults for food sources. To prevent this from happening, it’s best practice to keep baby corys separate from adult populations until they reach a specific size.

What fish can you keep with Corydoras?
To create the best environment for your Corydoras, you’ll need to identify compatible tank mates that won’t cause stress or harm them. So what fish can you keep with Corydoras?
When choosing suitable tank mates for your Corydoras, it’s essential to consider the size and temperament of both species.
Smaller community fish such as tetras, white clouds minnows, and rasbora are all excellent choices. They stay small enough not to bother the smaller varieties of Corydoras but large enough not to become dinner! Other good options include cichlids like angelfish, dwarf gouramis, plecos, and loaches.
Can I keep just one Cory catfish?
The short answer is yes, and you can keep a single Cory catfish in an aquarium. However, the long answer is a bit more complicated. Keeping any fish in an aquarium requires planning and research before purchasing it to ensure that its environment is suitable for its needs and conducive to good health.
When keeping any fish in an aquarium, it’s important to remember that they are social creatures that need companionship from their kind.
Although a single Cory catfish will survive in an aquarium, he may not thrive or exhibit his natural behaviors without another of his species with whom he can interact. Furthermore, if two or more Cory cats are kept together, they will create their little community within the tank, which can be fascinating to watch!
Related question
Can Cory Catfish live with platies?
Yes, Cory Catfish can live with platies. Both fish prefer a slightly acidic water environment and can coexist peacefully in the same tank as long as there is plenty of room to swim and hide. It’s essential to keep the tank clean and well-maintained so that both species have enough oxygen and food.
Will Other Fish eat Baby Platy?
Yes, other fish will eat baby platy if they are small enough. Baby platys are a popular food source for larger fish as they are small and easy to catch. It is essential to ensure that the tank is large enough and has plenty of hiding spots for the baby platys, so they can avoid being eaten by other fish.
Will Tetras eat Platy fry?
Yes, tetras will eat platy fry. Platy fry is small and can easily be mistaken for food by other fish. It is important to keep a close eye on your tank and ensure that any fry is removed as soon as possible to ensure their safety. If you have tetras and platys in the same tank, it may be best to separate them to protect the fry.
Will angelfish eat baby platys?
Yes, angelfish will eat baby platys. It is crucial to ensure that the tank is large enough for both species so that the platys can stay away from the angelfish if needed. Additionally, providing plenty of hiding spaces for the platys is recommended to keep them safe.
Do Corydoras Eat Baby Platys? In conclusion, Corydoras will not eat baby platys because their size makes it difficult for them to consume. It is also important to note that corydoras will only eat foods specifically formulated for them and can easily be digested.
While there may be some instances of corydoras eating small fish, it is generally a practice that should be avoided. Feeding your corydoras with a balanced diet and ensuring adequate water quality is the best way to keep them healthy and happy.
Must Read: Best Substrate for Corydoras