Pseudacanthicus Serratus (Mustang Cactus Pleco)
Pseudacanthicus Serratus, also known as the Mustang Cactus Pleco, is a species of armored catfish native to South America. The fish is named for its unique appearance, which includes a long, spiny body and large, flat plates on its head and sides.

What is Pseudacanthicus Serratus?
this is a popular aquarium fish and is often sought after by hobbyists for its unique looks and peaceful demeanor.
The fish gets its name from the fact that its whole body is covered with pointy spikes. These spikes help to protect the fish from predators.
It is a nocturnal creature that hides during the day. The fish comes out at night to feed on algae and small invertebrates. The diet of the Pseudacanthicus serratus helps to keep the water clean and clear.
The fish is hardy and can adapt to a wide range of water conditions. The fish does best in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places and rocks for grazing on algae.
It is a member of the Loricariidae family of suckermouth catfishes. The fish is black with white spots and has rather large fins, like many other Pseudacanthic.
It grows to about 12 inches (30 cm) in length in the wild, but it is usually smaller in aquariums. The fish can live for up to 15 years with proper care.
This is a freshwater fish that originates from habitats in Panama, Costa Rica, and Guyana. They are typically found in the deep and rocky zones of main rivers and live in groups of up to 15 fish.
Mustang Cactus Plecos are nocturnal creatures that spend their days hiding among the rocks and vegetation in their freshwater habitats. They are omnivorous, feeding on both plant matter and small invertebrates.
How big does Pseudacanthicus Serratus get?
These fish are popular in the aquarium trade. While their maximum size is typically around 18 inches, there are a number of factors that can influence how big they get.
One factor that can affect the size of Pseudacanthicus serratus is the environment they are in. If they are kept in an aquarium that is too small, they may not reach their full potential size. Additionally, the quality of water can also play a role; poor water quality can lead to smaller fish.
Another factor that can influence the size of Redfin Sharks is diet. A diet rich in proteins and other nutrients will help them grow to their full-size potential.
Is Pseudacanthicus Serratus Aggressive?
Though its natural habitat is calm waters, it has been known to be aggressive in captivity. This aggression is most often seen when the fish is kept with other loricariids or plecos. Pseudacanthicus serratus has also been known to be aggressive towards tank mates that are much smaller than themselves.
Pseudacanthicus Serratus Behavior
Pseudacanthicus serratus is a quiet, active-aggressive fish. In the wild, they are found in slow-moving to stationary waters in South America. They are ambush predators, so they spend most of their time hiding and waiting for prey.
Pseudacanthicus serratus is a nocturnal fish, so it is most active at night. During the day, they rest in hiding spots or under rocks. At night, they come out to hunt for food. They will eat just about anything they can fit into their mouths, including other fish, insects, and crustaceans.
Pseudacanthicus serratus is a peaceful fish, but it can be aggressive toward other fish if it feels threatened.
How Long do Pseudacanthicus Serratus Live?
Pseudacanthicus serratus can live for up to 10 years in captivity, but they typically only live for 5-7 years. The average lifespan of wild Pseudacanthicus serratus is unknown, but it is thought to be shorter than the lifespan of captive fish.
Though they may live longer if provided with optimal care. These fish require a large aquarium with plenty of hiding places and a strong filtration system. They should be fed a diet of frozen or live foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and earthworms.
Quick Care Guide
Scientific name | Pseudacanthicus serratus |
Various names | Black pleco, Mustang cactus pleco |
level of care | Easy |
Native to | Guyana (Paramaribo – Maroni River), Suriname |
Type | Fresh Water |
Color | Black Juveniles have white dots |
Tank size | 90 gallon |
Preferred temperature | 76-82F |
Other water characteristics (ammonia, etc) | Ammonia concentration: 0ppm Nitrite concentration: 0 ppm Nitrate concentration: 30 ppm |
Fish size | 35 to 40 cm in size |
Temperament Quick | Aggressive |
Preferred salinity | None |
suggested tank mates | Oscar fish Green Terror Cichlid Keyhole Cichlid Chocolate Cichlid Cory catfish Ember tetra |
Preferred food | Prawns Chopped mussel Other meaty commercial foods |
Feeding frequency | Once a day for adults Few times a day for juveniles |
Breeding | Egg layers |
Growth rate | Rapid |
Pseudacanthicus Serratus Care
they can grow to be up to 18 inches in length, making them one of the largest freshwater fish available for purchase. When choosing them for your aquarium, it is important to consider their size and whether or not you have the proper setup to accommodate a fish of this size.
Tank Size
If you are thinking about getting Pseudacanthicus serratus, there are a few things you should know about their care and tank size requirements.
They grow to be about 8 inches long, so they need at least a 30-gallon tank. They are peaceful fish, but they do like to swim around a lot so they need plenty of space. They prefer water that is on the acidic side with a temperature between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
How many Pseudacanthicus Serratus Should be kept Together?
They are native to the rivers of South America and can grow to be over a foot long. These fish are not for the faint of heart and should only be kept by experienced aquarium owners.
When it comes to keeping them together, it is best to keep them in pairs or trios. Any more than that and they will become extremely territorial and start attacking each other.
Tank Setup
This species of fish is nocturnal and prefers to hide during the day. It is important to provide plenty of hiding places in the tank for this fish to feel comfortable.
They generally stay near the bottom of the tank. They are peaceful fish but can be territorial with their own species. It is recommended to keep only one Pseudacanthicus serratus per tank unless the tank is very large and there is ample space for each fish to have its own territory.
Tank setup should include plenty of hiding places such as caves or driftwood. A sandy substrate is best, as this species likes to dig. Provide plenty of plants for grazing, as well as algae wafers or pellets for supplemental feeding.
They prefer a sandy substrate so they can dig and burrow, and plenty of hiding places among rocks and plants. They also need some open space to swim.
They are commonly known as Leopard Cactus Pleco which is a shy fish that does best in dimmed light. In the wild, these fish live in South American rivers where they hide amongst rocks and roots.
To recreate their natural habitat, use smooth, rounded river rocks in your aquarium and arrange them so that there are plenty of hiding spots. Be sure to include some driftwood for the plecos to graze on.
Water Quality Condition
Pseudacanthicus serratus is a freshwater fish and prefers water with a neutral pH. The ideal temperature range for this species is 24-28 degrees Celsius. This fish is also very sensitive to changes in water quality and will not tolerate poor water conditions. It is also important to maintain a high level of dissolved oxygen in the water.
Pseudacanthicus Serratus Breeding
Pseudacanthicus Serratus Male or Female Identification
They can be difficult to sex because the males and females look very similar
When it comes to choosing between a male or female fish, there are a few things you can look for to help make your decision.
The first thing to consider is the size of the fish. The males tend to be larger than the females, so if you are looking for a bigger fish, go with a male. The next thing to look at is the coloration of the fish. Males are typically more colorful than their female counterparts.
If you are still having trouble deciding, another way to tell the difference is by looking at the fins. Males have longer and more prominent fins than females.
Due to their size and territorial nature, these fish have not been bred for a very long time.
Additionally, due to their strong spines, they are difficult to catch when you want to clean the tank or transport them somewhere else. Despite the myth that they cannot be bred in captivity, it is actually not that difficult.
There are many benefits to keeping your preferred pair in a separate tank, thus it is preferable. The benefits include,
They don’t squander their energy engaging in fish-on-fish territorial conflicts.
obtaining enough nutrition, which is essential for effective breeding, and not having to compete for food.
Depending on their requirements, you can change the water’s parameters.
Predators won’t consume juveniles.
Make sure your fish are well-fed since if they don’t, the female won’t be able to create eggs.
During their mating season, it’s crucial to provide them with frozen food and meaty tablets rather than veggies and algal wafers.
By looking at the female’s tummy, you can determine whether she is pregnant. A female carrying eggs will have a much broader belly than a male, and the male will appear much more skinny in comparison.
How to Stimulate Breeding
It is an opportunistic feeder and will eat just about anything it can fit into its mouth. The diet of this fish consists mostly of smaller fish, but they also consume crustaceans, mollusks, and insects.
Aquarists who are interested in breeding, have to provide certain conditions in order to stimulate breeding. The fish is native to South America and can be found in the Amazon Basin. In the wild, the fish breeds during the rainy season when the water level rises and floods the forest.
Aquarists can simulate this by raising the water level in their tanks by about 10-15 cm (4-6 inches). The temperature should also be increased to 26-28 degrees Celsius (79-82 degrees Fahrenheit). It is best to use soft, acidic water for Pseudacanthicus serratus breeding since this is what they are used to in their natural habitat.
The male will build a nest out of plant matter and stones in order to entice a female to lay her eggs there.
This is when the water levels are at their highest and food is more plentiful. In order to stimulate breeding, it is necessary to provide these fish with plenty of live food items such as small fish, crustaceans, and insects.
Breeding act
The breeding act of Pseudacanthicus serratus is thus to find a mate and lay eggs on a suitable substrate.
Males are larger than females and have longer fins. They are also more brightly colored, with orange or red spots on their body and fins. Females are typically brown or tan in color. When ready to breed, the male will establish a territory and try to entice a female into it. If successful, the pair will spawn and the female will lay her eggs on the chosen substrate.
How many Babies does Pseudacanthicus Serratus have?
A recent study has shown that Pseudacanthicus serratus, a species of fish native to the Amazon basin, can have up to 30 babies at a time. This is a surprising finding, as most fish in the same family only have around 6-8 babies.
The researchers believe that this high number of offspring is due to the fact that P. serratus is a live-bearing fish, meaning that they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. This reproductive strategy is thought to be more energy efficient and allows the mother to better care for her young.
This study provides new insight into the reproductive biology of this understudied species and could have implications for the conservation of P. serratus and other live-bearing fish species.
Pseudacanthicus Serratus fry care
After hatching, larvae appear. In order to ensure the fry have enough food, live foods such as brine shrimp should be offered. As they grow, larger foods such as bloodworms can be introduced. It is important to remember that these fish are territorial and need plenty of space to grow properly. Pseudacanthicus Serratus fry can be tricky to care for, but with a little patience and effort, they will thrive in your aquarium.
To care for your fry, you will need to set up a tank that is at least 20 gallons. Be sure to include a filter and heater in the tank so that the water stays clean and warm. You will also need to add some rocks or driftwood for the fry to hide under when they feel scared or stressed.
Feeding Behavior of Pseudacanthicus Serratus
What do they eat
It is a species of fish that is native to the Amazon River Basin. They are known for their large size and aggressive behavior.
they are opportunistic feeders and will eat anything which can fit into their mouths. Their diet consists of smaller fish, crustaceans, insects, and plants. They have been known to attack and eat larger prey items such as turtles and mammals.
Pseudacanthicus serratus is solitary hunters and will typically ambush their prey from hiding spots. Once they have captured their prey, they will use their sharp teeth to tear it apart before swallowing it whole.

How Often Should you feed
How often you feed your Pseudacanthicus depends on its size and age. Juvenile fish should be fed once or twice a day.
When should you feed (Time Of The Day)
Pseudacanthicus catfish are nocturnal predators. In the wild, these fish hunt at night, so they should be fed at night in captivity. Some hobbyists choose to feed their Pseudacanthicus twice a day, once at night and once in the morning, but this is not necessary. These fish should be fed only once a day, and they should be given a large amount of food that they can eat in one sitting.
How Long They can go Without Food
Pseudacanthicus can go without food for up to six months, making them one of the longest-lived fish species. This ability to survive without food is due to their slow metabolism, which allows them to store energy and use it over a long period of time. Pseudacanthicus is a popular choice for aquariums because they are low-maintenance and do not need to be fed often.
What Fish Can Live with Pseudacanthicus Serratus?
While this fish can be kept with other fishes, it is important to choose tank mates carefully.
Some of the best fish to keep with them are Green Terror Cichlid and Keyhole Cichlid. These two fishes are also known for their aggressive behavior and can hold their own against the Oscar fish.
While these are some of the best choices for tank mates, it is still important to do your research before adding any new fish to your tank. Make sure that all of your fish will have enough space to swim and that they are compatible in terms of aggression level.
Related Questions
Is Pseudacanthicus Serratus Aggressive?
Yes, it is an aggressive fish and should not be kept with other fish unless they are of similar size.
Can they live in a Pond?
The short answer is yes, but there are some things to consider before adding one of these large cichlids to your pond.
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