Having a stressed out Arowana can be tricky for any fish enthusiast. An Arowana is a large, semi-aggressive fish that needs special care and attention. Stress can cause the Arowana to become aggressive or suffer from diseases, so it’s important to know how to identify when an Arowana is stressed and, more importantly, what you can do to calm them down.

How do you know if Arowana is Stressed?
An Arowana is a beautiful fish known for its long lifespan and active nature. However, like any other fish, an Arowana can become stressed if not cared for properly.
It can be difficult for owners to tell whether their Arowanas are stressed since these fish can spend long periods in one place without moving at all. However, if you notice that your fish spends all its time hiding away from view and only comes out briefly when there’s no movement within the tank, this could indicate stressed out Arowana.
Swimming Erratically
When identifying Stressed out Arowana, one of the best indicators you can look for is changes in their behavior. If your fish swim erratically, it could signify that they are struggling with some stressors.
Erratic swimming may manifest itself in many ways, including darting around quickly at different angles or running into the walls of the aquarium tank. If you notice this behavior, you should identify what might be causing the stress and take action before more severe problems arise.

Biting Fins
Biting fins is one of the most apparent signs of stress, so it’s important to watch out for this behavior. When an Arowana feels threatened by another fish, it may bite its fins to defend itself from the perceived threat.
Gasping At the Surface
Several factors, such as poor water quality or incorrect environmental temperature, could cause this behavior. It’s important to recognize this sign early on and take appropriate steps to reduce stress in your pet fish.
When you observe your Arowana gasping at the surface, it’s best first to check the oxygen levels in your tank and its pH level – both should be optimal for keeping an Arowana healthy and stress-free.
Loss of Appetite
A common sign of stressed out Arowana is a loss of appetite. When an Arowana stops eating, this could mean they’re not feeling comfortable in their environment or may have been affected by poor water quality.
Note: If you notice your Arowana has stopped eating, there are some steps you can take to try and improve your situation.
- Firstly, check the water parameters such as pH and temperature to ensure they’re within suitable levels for an Arowana.
- Secondly, make sure any other fish in the tank aren’t aggressive towards it; if so, arrange for them to be separated from one another or moved into different tanks altogether.
Sleeping On the Bottom
Arowanas may begin sleeping more often on the bottom of their tanks rather than swimming at different levels. If you have noticed this behavior in your pet, it’s time to look into what might be causing them stress and make sure they are safe and healthy.
Gill Cover Closure
If you notice that the fish’s operculum – its bony external flap used for protection – remains closed for extended periods, it may be a sign that your fish is under stress.
Gill cover closure occurs when the operculum remains shut and the fins clamped against the fish’s body, creating a tight seal around its gills.
Why do Arowanas get Stressed?
They are quite sensitive to stress. From tank size to water conditions, there are a variety of factors that can stressed out Arowana. Understanding these issues is the key to keeping your pet healthy and happy.
- Overcrowding
- Size of the tank
- Decorations in the tank
- Poor water quality
- Amount of light in the tank
- Sound levels in the tank
- Sudden changes in the tank
- Introducing fresh fish
Can a Fish Recover from Stress?
The answer is yes; with proper care and understanding, it is possible for an Arowana that has been under stress to make a full recovery. Providing clean water with good oxygenation is important in helping any fish heal. Plenty of hiding places within your aquarium will help keep your Arowana less stressed by giving them places to retreat when frightened or overwhelmed.

Ways to Calm Down a Stressed out Arowana
Any Arowana owner needs to know how to calm down their pet if it becomes too agitated.
Adjust the Water Conditions
One way to help an Arowana relax is by adjusting the water conditions in its tank. This includes changing the temperature and pH levels to suit the fish’s needs better.
Change 10-15% of the tank water every week. This will keep your tank clean and give your pet a sense of security by providing familiar surroundings.
Acclimate the Fish to New Water Conditions
The key steps for acclimating an Arowana include placing the bag containing the fish into the aquarium for about 15 minutes to equalize temperatures.
Then release about 25% of the tank water from your aquarium and replace it with a similar amount of water from the bag containing your fish at fifteen-minute intervals until both are equal in temperature and pH levels.
This process helps reduce stress for your fish by slowly introducing them to their new environment.
Increase the Number of Hiding Places
Adding extra hiding places also helps create a more naturalistic environment for your Arowana, as they would find plenty of refuge in their native habitat.
Adding live plants, caves, or other structures will allow them to explore different areas while knowing they have somewhere safe to retreat when necessary.
This will give the fish much-needed respite from stimuli like bright lights and loud noises.
Reduce the Sound Levels
This means turning off any electronics in the vicinity of the tank, such as televisions or radios. Additionally, if you have other pets, like cats or dogs, making noises near the tank, it’s best to contain them away.
Another way to reduce sound levels is adding more decorations to your aquarium. Things like fake plants and rocks will help absorb some noise and create a tranquil environment for your fish. Aquarium hoods can also be used to dampen any loud audio coming from within the tank itself.
Reduce the Light Levels
Lowering the lights can have a calming effect on fish and encourage more natural behavior, such as hiding or resting for long periods. By reducing the light intensity, you can see your Arowana become more active when it’s time for food or play!
When lowering the lights, ensure you don’t go too dark all at once. Begin by slowly transitioning from brighter daylight hours to dimmer evening lighting over several weeks.
This helps set up a daily cycle that will allow your Arowana to adjust and get used to its new environment.
Add a Filter and an Air Pump
One great way to reduce stress in an Arowana is by adding a filter and air pump to the aquarium. The filter helps remove toxins and waste from the tank while the air pump adds oxygen to the water, which helps reduce anxiety in your pet fish.
Not only does this help keep your Arowana healthy, but it calms them down significantly as they don’t have to worry about a lack of oxygen or dirty water conditions.
Feed the Fish
The most effective strategies are to feed them appropriately. In other words, don’t overfeed them, as that can cause excess waste in the tank, making your Arowana uncomfortable. Feed small portions throughout the day, so your fish stays full without being overwhelmed by much food at once.

Change the Water Regularly
Regularly changing the water helps remove toxins and debris from the tank, which can cause stress. Moreover, a clean environment keeps your Arowana free from parasites or bacteria that could otherwise cause health problems like fin rot or white spot disease.
The frequency of how often you should change the water depends on factors such as tank size and type of filtration system used, but typically it should be done biweekly or monthly at a minimum.
Reduce Overcrowding of Your Tank
Overcrowded tanks can increase fish’ stress levels, as they feel confined and unsafe. Keeping your tank well-maintained and avoiding overcrowding is a great way to keep your fish physically and mentally healthy.
Check that stocking density in the tank meets the needs of the fish species – some require more swimming space than others, so it’s important to consider this before adding more inhabitants.
Transfer the Arowana to a Larger Tank
One surefire way to reduce stress in your Arowana is by transferring it to a larger tank, and This will give the fish more space to swim around, instantly making them feel more secure and relaxed.
Additionally, having more water volume in the tank means better water quality resulting in less stress on your pet. When setting up the new tank, add a few decorations, such as rocks or plants, so that your Arowana has something comfortable and familiar to explore while acclimating to its new environment.
In conclusion, stressed out Arowana can be a challenging issue to deal with, but it is possible to help your fish overcome these issues. Identifying the potential causes of stress is essential to tackle them effectively.
Keeping the water clean and providing enrichment activities are vital to reducing stress levels.
Consider a tank size upgrade if an Arowana shows signs of distress due to its environment or tank mates.
Does Water Change Stress out Arowana Fish?
Yes, it can. Arowana fish are sensitive to changes in water temperature, pH, and other parameters. When the water is changed too quickly or drastically, it can cause stress in the fish and lead to health issues like bacterial infections or fin rot. To avoid this problem, gradually changing the water over time is essential.
What to do if Arowana is Stressed?
Various factors, such as poor water quality or overcrowding, can cause stress in Arowana. To reduce stress, maintain suitable water parameters, and keep the tank clean. Additionally, provide plenty of hiding places for the Arowana to feel safe and secure. Finally, avoid handling your Arowana too frequently, which can lead to stress.
How do I know if my Arowana is Happy?
A happy Arowana will be active and responsive to its environment. It should move around the tank, feed eagerly, and interact with its owner. If your Arowana is listless or not eating, it may be a sign of stress or illness. Regular water testing and maintenance can help keep your Arowana healthy and content.
Also Read:Stressed out Goldfish (How to Calm Down)