The Yellow Stripe Clingfish, also known as the Needlefish, is an interesting and unique species of fish. This fish has striking yellow stripes on its long slender body. Native to the coastal waters of Australia, these bottom-dwellers are an excellent addition to any saltwater aquarium.
Despite their small size, they have personality and character that make them a delight to watch in any home aquarium environment.
Yellow Stripe Clingfish
The Yellow Stripe Clingfish, also known as the Erosomatidae, is a small marine species found in shallow waters throughout the world.
These fish can be easily identified by their vibrant yellow stripes and flat bodies that allow them to cling to rocks and other surfaces.
It uses this skill to protect itself from predators, while also allowing it to feed on plankton which it catches while attached to the reef environment.
This hardy creature is capable of living in waters with temperatures ranging from 18-26 degrees Celsius, making it well adapted for life in many different locations in the ocean.
This species of fish has a varied diet, including algae, worms, crustaceans, and mollusks. They are also adept at catching prey through ambush or suction feeding techniques. This unique ability allows them to survive in highly competitive environments with limited resources.
In addition to their excellent foraging capabilities, the Yellow Stripe Clingfish can survive in difficult conditions such as rapid water flow or low oxygen levels due to their specialized swim bladders that give them greater buoyancy control.
Native to the shallow reefs of the Indo-Pacific region, these tiny fish are no more than two inches in length, but remain one of the most popular reef inhabitants.
These hardy little fish are incredibly resilient and can survive in both marine and brackish environments. They require highly oxygenated waters, so they prefer rocky substrates full of crevices where they can hide from predators as well as scavenge for food.

How big do Yellow Stripe Clingfish get?
The size range of yellow stripe clingfish can vary greatly depending on where they are located. Generally, these fish grow between three to six inches long when fully mature. Adult males tend to be slightly larger than females, but both sexes reach similar sizes when fully grown.
Is Yellow Stripe Clingfish Aggressive?
Recent studies have suggested that, contrary to popular belief, yellow-striped clingfish are not necessarily more aggressive than other species of clingfish. It appears that the coloration only serves as a means of camouflage and communication amongst other clingfish within their habitats.
Furthermore, these same studies indicate that there is no correlation between the intensity of the stripe pattern and aggressiveness levels.
Yellow Stripe Clingfish Behavior
This species of clingfish are known for their unique behavior, which includes clinging to rocks with their suckermouths as well as swimming in midwater columns, often close to each other.
Studies have shown that the yellow stripe clingfish display a diverse range of behaviors including territoriality, schooling, foraging, mating and resting. The territoriality between this species mainly occurs when two individuals meet at rock crevices or coral heads and when food resources are scarce.

How long do Yellow Stripe Clingfish live?
The average lifespan of a healthy, well-maintained yellow stripe clingfish can range from 5-10 years depending on the quality of living environment provided.
In order for them to reach their maximum lifespan potential, they should be kept in an optimal aquarium with plenty of food and clean water conditions. Their diets should consist mainly of brine shrimp or other suitable frozen foods as well as live worms and small invertebrates.
One glance Care manual
Scientific name | Diademichthys lineatus |
Common name | Yellow stripe clingfish, Urchin clingfish |
Care level | Difficult |
Native to | Indo Pacific region |
Tropical marine | fish |
Growth rate | Rapid |
Temperament | Semi-aggressive |
Recommended tank mates | Nearly any saltwater fish Avoid large carnivore fish(eels, anglers) Snakes and smaller fish specie |
Preferred food | Finely chopped fresh or frozen marine fish Squid Mysis shrimp Vitamin-enriched brine shrimp Frozen carnivore preparations |
Feeding frequency | Two to three times a day |
breeding | Egg laying species. Can be bred in captivity |
Color | Dark brown body with yellow stripes |
Tank size | 10 gal for one specimen |
Preferred temperature | 75 F (24 C) |
Other water parameters | pH : 8.1 to 8.4 |
Hardness: | 8-12 dKH |
Specific gravity: | 1.020-1.025 |
Size | 2 -5 inches |
Yellow Stripe Clingfish care
Yellow Stripe Clingfish Size
Its small size, 1.5-2 inches (3.8-8 cm), allows it to fit into almost any tank system even if it has limited space or minimal live rock for hiding spots.

Yellow Stripe Clingfish tank size
When considering tank size for the Yellow Stripe Clingfish it is important to consider both its adult size and activity level.
A 20 gallon or larger aquarium should be able to comfortably accommodate a single specimen or pair of these fish with ample swimming room and adequate hiding places provided via rocks and live plants.
How many Yellow Stripe Clingfish should be kept together?
It’s important to understand how many yellow stripe clingfish should be kept in each tank. In general, it’s best to keep only one individual or three specimens in a single tank at any given time.
Tank Setup
Caring for Yellow Stripe Clingfish is a rewarding experience. With the right tank setup and suitable conditions, these fish can thrive in captivity. To provide the best home for your clingfish, it is important to consider their specific needs when setting up their aquarium environment.
Most important factor to consider when setting up a tank for Yellow Stripe Clingfish is providing plenty of swimming space to it.
A minimum tank size of 10 gallons should be provided with no less than 6 inches of water depth.
Aquariums with tall walls are preferable as this allows the clingfish to use its suction cup-like ability to climb vertical surfaces and explore different areas of the tank.
Providing rocks, plants, wood pieces or other decorations that create hiding spots will also help them feel secure in their new home.
To ensure their coloration remains vibrant, aim for bright lighting that mimics natural sunlight during the day. Additionally, maintain adequate filtration to keep ammonia levels low and consistent water quality.
Water Quality Condition
When it comes to keeping Yellow Stripe Clingfish healthy, it is important for aquarium owners to take into account their special needs when maintaining proper water quality conditions.
The presence of dissolved oxygen and other essential nutrients are necessary for the well-being of these fish, and regular water changes should be done to reduce levels of nitrates and phosphates.
Additionally, routine testing for salinity levels should also be conducted on a regular basis to ensure optimum health.
Good water quality parameters should include low nitrates and phosphates, as well as regulated pH levels.
Water temperature should also be monitored carefully; while they will do okay in temperatures ranging from 73-82F (23-28C), they are most comfortable between 76–78F (24–26C). Ammonia levels should always remain at 0 ppm, and weekly partial water changes should be performed in order to maintain ideal water quality conditions for these fish.
Yellow Stripe Clingfish Breeding
Yellow Stripe Clingfish male or female Identification
Identifying whether a yellow stripe clingfish is male or female can be tricky, even for experienced aquarists. The yellow stripe clingfish, also known as the spot-lined clingfish, has a very unique color pattern and body shape that makes it difficult to accurately determine its gender.
The most reliable method of identifying the gender of a yellow stripe clingfish is by examining its genital papilla, located near its ventral fins. Male yellow stripe clingfish have noticeably larger papilla than females.
Additionally, another telltale sign on Yellow Striped Cling Fish males are their orange bellies with two distinct black stripes running down them. Females tend to have more muted colors in their bellies and less distinctive stripes.
Lastly, males are typically larger than females and will grow up to 4 inches long while females may only reach 3 inches in length when fully mature.
Yellow Stripe Clingfish Breeding
Their reproduction often occurs in warm weather and tropical waters.
The yellow striped clingfish has multiple partners because it is how they are by nature.
With one male and two to three females, they create a group of three to four people. During breeding season, they exhibit lovely wooing behavior to entice females.
While changing colors, the males squirm around the females. They have the ability to switch their yellow stripe for a crimson one.
The male checks the female’s abdomen during their dance to see if she is ready to mate. The guy then aligns himself parallel to the female’s body.
The female produced tiny clutches of 5–30 eggs. They spawn in bare clamshells when they are in their natural habitat.
There have been some occurrences of captive breeding documented. If you plan to spawn them, you can include empty clamshells or PVC caves in the tank.
They first pick a location for their nest. The male takes care of the nests, and all the females spawn with him in the same place.
You must carefully inspect if you have inserted a black surface for their nest because their eggs are black in color.
Depending on the female, egg-laying might take anywhere from a few hours to a day. The eggs are protected by the male clingfish until they hatch.
Make sure there will only be one male if you plan to breed them because the other males might consume the eggs.
Actually, the parent male consumes 30% of the eggs by himself, and if there are other males present, no eggs are produced!
Transport the gathered larvae to a different tank. Rotifers and Apocyclops panamensis copepods can be used to feed larvae.
In addition, green water can be treated with nannochloropsis, tetraselmis, isochrysisone, and chaetoceros. Two water changes of approximately 2 gallons each are advised.
Due to the patches of black pigmentation that cover the larvae’s bodies, they may be plainly seen. At hatch, they are around 3 mm.

Yellow Stripe Clingfish fry care
The key to successful fry care is transferring them into a separate tank as soon as possible after their birth because they are very sensitive to changes in water parameters and can be easily overwhelmed by larger fish.
One of the best foods to feed yellow stripe clingfish fry is baby brine shrimp. Baby brine shrimp are tiny crustaceans that provide plenty of nutrition for the young clingfish,including proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.
They also provide a crunchy texture which helps keep teeth clean while also stimulating their sense of taste.
Special Advice
Do you have a yellow stripe clingfish in your aquarium? If so, it is important to ensure that the fish are receiving the proper nutrition.
The diet of a yellow stripe clingfish consists of small prey items like brine shrimp and planktonic organisms. To keep your fish healthy and happy, here are some tips on what to feed your yellow stripe clingfish:
First, live food should make up the majority of their diet. Live brine shrimp and mysis shrimp are both great sources of protein for these fish.
It is best to feed them small amounts several times throughout the day rather than one large meal. Additionally, frozen foods such as daphnia and krill can be offered as an occasional treat for variety.
It is also important to supplement their diet with fresh vegetables such as blanched lettuce or spinach once or twice a week.
Feeding Behavior of Yellow Stripe Clingfish
What do They Eat?
Clingfish feed mainly on detritus, or organic matter that accumulates on the seafloor. They also feed on small crustaceans such as shrimp, amphipods, and copepods which are scavenged from the ocean floor and rock crevices.
In addition to these food sources, some species of yellow stripe clingfish may occasionally consume seaweed or other plant material.
The Yellow Striped Clingfish use their specially adapted mouth to suck up food from crevices or off rocks on the seafloor.
They hunt for food by day and night, sometimes swimming near seagrass beds to find prey. Additionally, these clingfish can often be seen hovering over coral reefs where they feed upon smaller invertebrates that live there.
How often should you feed?
Ideally, these fish should be fed twice per day: once in the morning and then again in late afternoon or early evening.
The exact amount of food will depend on the size of your fish and their appetite; however, as a general rule-of-thumb it is suggested that they are given no more than they can eat within two minutes or so.
It’s also important to note that you should never over feed them as this can lead to bloating or even health problems if it continues long term.
When should you feed (Time of the day?)
When it comes down to feeding time, it’s important to understand when these little fish need food. Yellow Stripe Clingfish should be fed twice a day with small portions of live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.
To ensure their overall health and vitality, feed them at 12 hour intervals – once in the morning around 9 am and again at night around 9 pm – so that they get a balanced diet throughout the day.
How long they can go without food
Recent research has shown that Yellow Stripe Clingfish can live up to three weeks without eating. Studies conducted by marine biologists revealed that the clingfish was able to sustain its energy levels during this time by relying on its stores of glycogen that were stored in its liver and muscles.
During this period, it also experienced a decrease in body mass but showed no signs of endangerment or distress due to a lack of food.
What Fish can live with Yellow Stripe Clingfish?
This distinctive fish is known for its bright yellow stripe, which stands out amongst other species in the tank. But before choosing this fish, it’s important to know what types of fish can live peacefully alongside it.
For starters, Yellow Stripe Clingfish should not be kept with larger predatory species such as eels or lionfish.
As a smaller species, it may become stressed or even attacked by these more dominant creatures. However, they can coexist peacefully with other small non-predator fish like clownfish and damselfish as long as there is plenty of space for each of them to claim their own territory within the aquarium.
In addition, they generally do well with peaceful invertebrates such as crabs and shrimp too.
In conclusion, the Yellow Stripe Clingfish is one of the most unique fish you can find in its natural habitat. With an eye-catching yellow stripe and a needle like body, this fish stands out as a beautiful addition to any tank.
Despite their small size, they are quite hardy and easy to care for given the right environment. Therefore, if you’re looking for a unique addition to your tank that will bring character and life, then consider the Yellow Stripe Clingfish.
Related Questions
Where can I find yellow stripe clingfish?
Yellow stripe clingfish can be found in the waters of the Indo-Pacific, from the Red Sea to South Africa and east to Hawaii.
They are typically found near coral reefs, where they feed on small crustaceans. You can purchase them from online aquarium stores or through local pet shops.
What is the best way to care for a Yellow Stripe Clingfish?
The Yellow Stripe Clingfish is a hardy species that can be kept in a variety of aquariums. To ensure its health, provide it with plenty of hiding places, such as live rock or coral, and keep the water quality high by regularly changing out 25% of the water.
Feed it a variety of small frozen foods such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp to provide it with adequate nutrition.
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